What Is Social Anxiety Disorder?

By | August 22, 2016

When an individual has a social anxiety disorder or social phobia, everyday situations can become so overwhelming. These state of emotion can become intense and can vary from one individual to another. Individuals can fear different types of situations that have anxiety disorders. Those that have social anxiety disorders may have some of these symptoms while they are in particular social situations.

In scenarios that are feared, people that have social anxiety disorder will feel intense anxiety. The anxiety they feel may cause to trembling, pounding heart, blushing, nausea, and excessive sweating. For some having this anxiety will turn into a panic attack. These symptoms of anxiety can usually lead to embarrassment for the person that has social anxiety. Some individuals that have social anxiety disorder are comfortable only with their close family and friends. Others with social anxiety only fear particular social scenario. Some people become anxious when they are to talk or face with people in higher positions such as their boss.

Speaking before the public is a usual fear of people with social anxiety disorder. Other fears can be eating in restaurants, or using public restrooms, and using telephones. Individuals that have social anxiety disorder worry for days and in some cases for weeks before going to a social situation that they are fearing. The disorder may become more complicated and can affect his work or other events that you may have in your life.

There are lots of people that have social anxiety disorder. Women can be more likely to have social anxiety disorder than man. Social anxiety disorder usually will begin at an early age. You can be shy and still not experience the same intense anxiety that individuals do with social anxiety disorder. Shy people usually do not avoid particular social situations like people that have social anxiety disorders. Social anxiety disorder can overtake individual’s life if they allow it to.

There are anxiety causing situations which cause anxiety disorder symptoms. Situations that are similar to those of a panic attack, but the two illnesses are very different and should be managed differently to one another. Blushing, sweating, trembling, tense muscles and other physical reactions are the usual anxiety disorder symptoms.

Another symptom can be pointed to unwillingness to leave the house or even to receive visitors round to their house can lead to both physical and mental symptoms. People with anxiety disorder usually have problem on attending school or work and some may even find it very difficult to go to shops or other places where they are likely to come into contact with other people or groups of people.