Nurse’s Best Stop Snoring Tips Will Help You Quit Snoring Naturally Now!

By | September 20, 2016

If you’re looking for some natural stop snoring tips to cure your soft or loud snoring problem I’ve included some of the best tips and natural snoring treatments in this article that you can use whether you’re a man or woman. It’s best, of course, to know the cause of your snoring, but you can try some natural snoring treatments first and see if you can quit snoring. Finding the cause will help you cure your snoring, but sometimes one tries the treatment first to find out what works and that eliminates the cause.

1. If you’re overweight, losing just 10% of your body weight can help you reduce snoring.

2. Stop smoking. Yes you can! The smoke from tobacco clogs the nasal passages, damages the lungs and causes the upper airway to swell up, which will constrict your breathing.

3. If you’re not walking now, get moving. People who do get regular aerobic exercise, such as brisk walking (walk as if you’re late to an appointment.) tend to have much less upper airway congestion and more lung capacity. This will greatly improve your breathing when you’re asleep.

4. Make sure not to eat or drink alcoholic beverages before bedtime. If your stomach is full it will make breathing more difficult. Alcoholic beverages relax the muscles in the back of the throat causing snoring problems. Both eating and drinking can cause snoring.

5. Try not to go to sleep on your back. First of all it isn’t the best sleeping position. Secondly most snorers sleep on their back. If you have to sleep on your back you can try the old trick of sewing a tennis ball into the breast pocket of a big, old t-shirt. Wear the shirt backwards to bed.

6. Another natural snoring home remedy is to try raising the head of the bed up about four inches. This won’t work by propping up pillows but if you can’t raise the head of the bed, try the pillows. You can place old phonebooks, books or bricks under the legs of the headboard. This will also help if you have sinus infection or sinus problems also.

7. Try not to take any sleep medications, sleeping pills, painkillers, muscle relaxants sedatives or tranquilizers before bedtime. They relax the muscles in the throat which encourage snoring. Some drugs will actually interfere with sleep and cause snoring.

8. Try exercises to prevent snoring. Look up the snoring exercises online. There are also ebooks with exercise snoring programs. Playing a wind instrument can help prevent snoring. Play for three to four months and see if it helps. Studies have shown that many people have achieved snoring relief.

9. Sing for at least 20 minutes every day. Sing in the shower, choir or at home. Singers tend not to snore as much as people who don’t snore.

10. Allergic reactions or ongoing allergy problems can cause nasal congestion or a stuffy nose.

11. Sinusitis, sinus infections and other sinus problems can block your airflow. Drink lots of pure filtered or spring water throughout the day. Try saline nasal sprays at bedtime but nasal irrigation is better.

12. If snoring persists make sure to get checked for sleep apnea, which can be fatal. If your spouse or partner says you stop breathing off and on throughout the night get checked by your doctor or sleep specialist right away. There are sleep disorder treatment centers throughout the United States if needed.

These are just a few of the best tips among hundreds to help you stop snoring. There are many natural tips that will help you quit snoring forever.

For more tips and info on snoring and sleep disorder treatments go to a nurse’s website specializing in sleep disorder tips, treatments, natural treatments, causes and remedies for adult, child and infant including info on snoring, insomnia and sleep disorder centers

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