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3 thoughts on “Buy ativan online without dresses in bedroom

  1. Arashikora

    I was first given this in the hospital after having a seizure. I have used it off and on since to treat anxiety and depression. I have to say it is a life saver. I would not recommend more than one dose daily. In my experience it sent me into a fit of rage that I never experienced. It was a terrible side effect, but I would never give up this medication. It calms me and helps me sleep when my mind won't shut off. I helped me thru extremely terrible times.

  2. Disida

    I was prescribed this drug, to help control my panic attacks, and help to 'calm' my mood. Overall, I feel this drug did what it was prescribed for.

  3. Goltilkree

    I take 0.5 and my doctor told me to cut the pill in half because I have a new born baby and take a whole one at night to help me sleep. The halves have been working great it relaxes me to the point if I want to go to sleep I can. I have generalized anxiety disorder and post traumatic stress disorder. I'm always worrying about me dying or my health or thinking something is wrong with me or death is coming. My mind would race bad. I also take Prozac thats a good pill. I also feel lightheaded feeling of passing out but when I take Ativan it stops me from thinking about the things that make me anxious.

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