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By | 24.02.2018

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4 thoughts on “Buy generic ativan canada price

  1. Akinomi

    Used at a funeral, supposed to take 0.5mgs, did not work at all. Took another, and another, and another. Maybe my doctor sucks, or maybe Ativan sucks. Do yourself a favor and get some Xanax if needed for occasional anxiety.

  2. Tomuro

    i hae a very bad case of irritabiity (not really anxious), my husband drives me insane and i get edgy and mean and feel sick to my stomach. i have trid valium but it gives me a "hangover" feelin in the morning. Klonopin an Xanax make me"black out". Ativan is the only thing that really calms me downand i feel great!!!!

  3. Yvonne

    Fast acting. Compared to Klonipon (sp?) This is much better. I was concerned taking K. since it was too sedating. I was afraid to drive if I took a whole K. After discussing K. and its side effects with my my doctor we decided Ativan would be tried. I am pleased with it.

  4. Faunos

    Fast acting. Compared to Klonipon (sp?) This is much better. I was concerned taking K. since it was too sedating. I was afraid to drive if I took a whole K. After discussing K. and its side effects with my my doctor we decided Ativan would be tried. I am pleased with it.

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