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By | 05.12.2017

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In fact, a Consumer Reports national survey of 4, adults found that of the 20 percent who took an OTC medication within the past year to improve sleep, almost 1 in 5 respondents, or 18 percent, said they took it on a daily basis. The project publishes Best Buy Drugs drug reports, the first three such reports covered Statins to reduce high cholesterol, heartburn drugs, and NSAIDs commonly used to treat arthritis. Which ones helped people sleep longer during the night? Other OTC sleep products may contain a similar drug, doxylamine. Busy or stressful activities late at night Stop working or doing strenuous housework at least 2 hours before going to bed.

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Can you get hooked on OTC sleep aids? Four percent admitted they dozed off while driving. And, they can also cause troubling side effects: Which ones helped people sleep longer during the night? A study published in JAMA Internal Medicine in September involving an analysis of 37 studies of 2, people found that CBT for insomnia was also effective in those with co-existing illnesses and psychiatric conditions, included alcohol dependence, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, cancer, chronic pain, and fibromyalgia.


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