Panic & Anxiety Relief: The No B.S. Guide to Regaining Control of Your Fear

By | September 13, 2016
Panic & Anxiety Relief: The No B.S. Guide to Regaining Control of Your Fear

You’re FINALLY About to Discover Powerful, Tested Techniques That Have Been Successfully Used To Treat & Get Rid of Anxiety & Panic For Good!

It’s time to stop floundering and start learning real techniques and knowledge for turning your panic and anxiety into courage in the face of psychological demons.

As a former, long-time anxiety sufferer myself, I remember vividly the extremely unpleasant and often terrifying symptoms of anxiety and panic attacks. This book is my way of reaching my hand out to you and pulling you into a world of calm and productivity!

Here are just a couple of the things you’ll learn about be able to apply right away

  • Indispensable guidance on identifying your REAL triggers, not just the ones you ASSUME are triggers.
  • The seductive power of automatic and catastrophic thinking
  • Coping strategies that you can use any time (every time you use these, you are rewiring your brain to panic less in the future)
  • Understanding and breaking the feedback loop that panic and anxiety lull you into over the course of years
  • The changes you MUST make to how you react to situations in order to fight anxiety
  • A panic and anxiety “cheat sheet” that you can easily refer to any time, even in the middle of an attack

Stop thinking and start doing. Grab the book and get your hands dirty with applying the techniques within. You’ll thank yourself!

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