How to Stop Anxiety Attacks and Get Back to a Normal Life

By | November 4, 2016

Anxiety attacks are simply known as panic attacks. When a person encounters any kind of fear from anything and cannot overcome that, it turns into anxiety attacks. Anxiety attack is a response to the sympathetic nervous system also known as SNS. When a person is not able to come over from the fear of anything and receives attacks in return then such attacks are termed as anxiety attacks. Being anxious is very common in people. Anyone can get anxious or nervous under any circumstances. But it cannot be termed as anxiety attacks. When this anxiousness or fear becomes constant and the victim is not able to overcome them, then it becomes anxiety disorder.

Symptoms of anxiety attacks can be physical and emotional too. Some common symptoms are tremors or twitches, heart pounding, frequent urination or diarrhea and many others. There are many causes behind anxiety attacks. Like sometimes anxiety attacks may be a listed side effect of medications such as Ritalin or even antibiotic like fluroquinolone.

Lack of assertiveness is also considered a cause behind anxiety attacks. Alcohol or withdrawal of drugs is also considered as one of the cause behind anxiety attacks. Pharmacological triggers can also be the reason behind such disorder. In short, there are many things that can cause you to start having anxiety attacks, but now you need to work on learning how to stop anxiety attacks.

The most effective treatment for controlling anxiety attacks is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy which is also known as CBT. CBT is an effective and 100% result oriented treatment for anxiety disorder. It is long term procedural treatment which requires lot of care and therapy. It is not an overnight fix – you have to work at it! But in time you will find that your anxiety becomes less and less severe. In the meantime, you may need some medication to help you live normally if your anxiety is very severe.

Other medications like benzodiazepines and antidepressants are also very popular and famous treatments for this problem. But the first suggestion is to visit a physiotherapist and start an immediate effective treatment. These anxiety attacks cannot be ignored as these may result in increased risk of heart attack and stroke later if avoided.

Self help is the best help. We can also protect ourselves from this anxiety to become a disorder. There are many self treatments which are requiring overcoming from this disorder. Even in CBT and other treatments, it requires self help and some care and precautions from the patient. There are some daily routines too like exercise; yoga and healthy eating that can also helps in overcoming such attacks.

Anxiety attacks are also sometimes related to the lack of confidence in the patient and one must have to inbuilt the confidence and courage to overcome the fear to vanish the anxiety disorder. Anxiety attacks are not a disease like cancer which cannot be cured, but it also cannot be ignored by the patient. Having an anxiety attack is considered the worst one has ever encountered in life.

Next, learn more about how to stop anxiety attacks and find out how you can learn how to cure anxiety and release it from your life for good!