Tag Archives: Having

Having a strong life purpose eases loneliness of COVID-19 isolation, study finds

Why can some people weather the stress of social isolation better than others, and what implications does this have for their health? New research from the Communication Neuroscience Lab at the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania found that people who felt a strong sense of purpose in life were less lonely… Read More »

Having Problems Sleeping?

by Ed Yourdon Insomnia Webster’s dictionary describes insomnia as habitual sleeplessness, inability to sleep. I describe it as miserable. There are few things I can think of that make me more irritable than getting up in the morning feeling like I haven’t even closed my eyes. Sometimes insomnia is difficulty falling asleep, other times it’s… Read More »

Know What People Having Anxiety Disorder Tolerate

Anytime we talk about panic and anxiety symptoms, it’s important to realize that lots of people manage this issue. The three barriers that they have to overcome are the psychological, and emotional symptoms. Each one of them arises from unnecessary worrying, impractical concerns, or even constant unreasonable views. Anxiety signs and symptoms, to the majority… Read More »