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4 thoughts on “Overnight buy ativan 2mg identification card

  1. Akinogar

    I've had extremely bad anxiety, panic attacks, and mood swings. This medicine is wonderful. It's not very strong but it takes the edge off. I'd recommended to anyone with anxiety.

  2. Zukazahn

    I have had no trouble esp w/ the SE I can still function w/out looking like a zombie

  3. Meztizilkree

    be very careful taking this drug. i was prescribed to take 1mg twice a day for 1 week and only when needed after that. it worked wonders for that 1 week. after stopping for a few days the "benzodiazepine withdraw syndrome" (look it up on Wikipedia) set in. Almost every symptom listed set in. i saw 5 gp doctors and 2 specialist and not one said anything about the withdraw. i was told to keep taking them until i almost killed myself and after hours and hours of research i discovered what i was going through. i have been off of them for a little over a week and the nightmare seems to be subsiding a lttle each day. i was a healthy active person that happened to have a so called panic attack out of the blue in January and it has been a terror ride ever since.

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