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By | 21.01.2018

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3 thoughts on “Order cheap ativan louisiana slidell

  1. Goltizshura

    This drug has been a lifesaver. I understand that it can be addictive but I only take it when I am absolutely totally anxious. I hate though that so many docs and pharmacists act like you are instantly addicted if this works for you. If you use it wisely you will not become addicted.

  2. Vulkis

    I've been taking low dose Ativan for years. It worked well for my anxiety. Although it seems to wear off extremely fast. I actually split the pill in two, take a half before bed, and take the other half when I wake up at night. The only problem is after my old doctor retired, I found nobody would prescribe it. All the newer doctors would rather give out anti-depressant. I had to quit taking it cold turkey last month. Now I'm on an anti-depressant and some strong sleeping pills in order to get enough sleep. The results are inconsistent. Some nights I get only 3 or 4 hours, some nights I sleep 10 hours and still feel tired. I'm not sure if it's worth the trouble. Ativan was so cheap that it didn't matter I don't have insurance.

  3. Shaktinos

    Ativan was prescribed to me by my doctor for ten years. It was initially prescribed for anxiety anxiety attacks. In addition Temazepam was prescribed for insomia. I noticed it was difficult to recall details and events at work. My daughter also expressed concerns regarding my memory. The last thing to happen before I stopped taking lorazepam was being told by my pharmacist that my prescription plan would no longer pay for lorazepam because it was dangerous for a person in her sixties to take this drug for so long. I panicked, abruptly stopped taking both lorazepam and Temazepam and ended up in the emergency room. It has now been two years without taking these medications. I feel fine now but it was an absolute nightmare for several months with awful side effects from withdrawing from these drugs. Lorazepam/Ativan is not meant for long term use.

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