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By | 13.01.2018

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4 thoughts on “Ativan online consultation overnight mountings new hyde

  1. Fenrit

    I have been taking lorazapam for nearly 20 years now. Severe panic attacks and agoraphobia. This is the only medication that has worked and not caused me to feel "addicted" I started with xanax, which made me anxious if I didnt take it at a specific time, and kind of bitchy too. Did the klonapin thing, too groggy. Ativan works just right. I started out with 2mg 3x a day, and am now down to 1mg 2 or 3x a day, if I'm just chillin at home, just 1mg is effective of keeping "el diablo" (panic attacks) away. I feel that the abuse of this drug would only be by someone that doesnt have panic attacks. For me having such a high anxiety level, this drug simply takes the edge off and actually allows me to function as a "normal" person. I can go out to dinner, shopping, to a concert, on a vacation. Not stuck in my house, or an ER anymore. YAY FOR ATIVAN!!!!

  2. Shaktiktilar

    Best drug for insomnia EVER! I've been taking it for 15 years for insomnia. My first doctor prescribed it, and my current doctor is keeping me on it. I only take 0.5mg every evening and I sleep well and wake up refreshed. It has worked well in the past for anxiety attacks. I also take Lexapro for depression.

  3. Fenrizahn

    So with my Schizoaffective disorder, in the mornings I get moody and grumpy and little stressed, so I take 1 mg before going to work and in 30 minutes exactly magic happens and I feel relaxed and calm which leads to better communication at work since I'm a peer support worker. works great 10/10

  4. Kajilabar

    I have been on lorazapam for 8 years. I started taking 0.5 mg 3Xs a day after being kidnapped, beaten and threatened to be shot. I was diagnosed with PTSD. This medication helped me get my life back together. I too did not feel that I was addicted, until my new doctor advised me to stop taking it. He felt that at age 64 the medication would continue to cause problems with my balance and would end up causing additional problems. It would be easier to get off of it now than later. Even though he has been taking me off slowly, I have had really bad side effects. Believe me, this is an addictive drug! While it helped me deal with my problems initially, it also caused me problems. I do have issues with my balance and took a nasty fall (for no apparent reason)a few years ago. My doctor says it is alcohol in pill form.

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