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By | 28.05.2018

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2 thoughts on “Buy cheap ativan texas mckinney

  1. Voodookinos

    I have been taking lorazepam for the last 8 years. I take 2mg 3x daily. It really helps with my severe anxiety. I agree that it is addictive. I started out on this high dose but absolutely cannot cut back without panic attaks returning. And if I forget to take a pill, I'm sick to my stomach, headache, and ears ringing within 30 minutes of not taking it. Doctors have tried 4 times unsuccessfully to switch me to Klonipin. For some reason, I just can't tolerate it. This medicine also makes me a little sleepy. But without it, I would never go into public again. So for me it has been a lifesaver and I don't care if I have to take it forever.

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