Why quit smoking weight gain

By | May 1, 2020

why quit smoking weight gain

Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; chap Free E-newsletter Subscribe to Housecall Our general interest e-newsletter keeps you up to date on a wide variety of health topics. Concentrate on improving your diet and increasing your physical activity. Additionally, alcohol tends to relax our inhibitions, and for an ex-smoker, that can spell trouble. But you can learn other ways to cope without smoking. However, it can be helpful to be prepared to accept at least a small increase in weight.

American Heart Association. You would have to gain over 40 kilograms above your recommended weight to equal the risk of heart disease posed by smoking Also, your ability to smell and taste food improves after you quit smoking. Request Appointment. The relationship between body mass index and post-cessation weight gain in the year after quitting smoking: A cross-sectional study.

Have why quit smoking weight gain join And have

While a small gain is normal, excessive weight gain when you quit smoking can create new health problems and erode your determination to stay off cigarettes. Let’s take a look at what you can do to keep your weight under control as you go through the process of recovery from nicotine addiction. When you quit smoking, a gain of between 5 and 10 pounds during the first few months of cessation is normal. If your eating habits have remained the same as they were when you smoked, the weight should come back off within a few months. Add some exercise to your daily regimen like a brisk minute walk, and you’ll help speed the weight loss along or perhaps avoid it altogether. Smoking cessation throws our bodies into shock initially. Increased appetite is a side effect of quitting tobacco for most people.

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