Tag Archives: Body

Is Your Body the Legal Property of Big Pharma?

In the video above, Glenn Beck interviews investigative journalist Whitney Webb about her book, “One Nation Under Blackmail: The Sordid Union Between Intelligence and Crime That Gave Rise to Jeffrey Epstein,” Parts 1 and 2. These books provide the necessary framework to understand not just Jeffrey Epstein’s geopolitical role and function, but also, more broadly,… Read More »

Here’s What 30 Minutes of Jump Rope for a Month Did to This Guy’s Body

For his most recent one month physical challenge, Cam Jones (one half of YouTube’s Goal Guys) followed his brother Brendan’s example and set out to jump rope every single day for 30 days. After acquiring a simple speed rope and a 1-pound weighted rope, Cam assigns himself a target of doing 30 minutes each day.… Read More »

CRISPR turns normal body fat into a type that burns energy

By Michael Le Page Gene editing can transform normal fat cells into a type of fat that burns energyShutterstock / Design_Cells Metabolic conditions linked to obesity could be treated by removing fat from a person, turning it into energy-burning “beige fat” using CRISPR gene editing and then implanting the altered fat back into the body,… Read More »

Diet companies are banking on you feeling sh*tty about your post-isolation body – Cosmopolitan

Illustration by D’Ara Nazaryan Some states were barely one week deep into lockdown when “quarantine 15” jokes arrived on the socials. Maybe the meme fairies were just trying to make a lighthearted joke while the world burned, but the punch line threw shade we really didn’t need. The possibility that we could look different after… Read More »